So the other day I didn't want to really go to math so I went to the library instead and watched TV, well they have to put something educational on because of all the rules and what not (you know what I'm talking about) I kinda sat down and just started watching the commercials waiting for the show to come on, well it was the start of a show talking about Designated Marksmen. So I am going to share the info I learned, with you guys.
First and for most I am going to start out what a DM really is. He/she is a regular infantry with a Semi Automatic gun, and a scope. They dress and look like any other infantry, they get trained almost exactly the same way and all that. Their main purpose is to fix the gap between what regular infantry weapons shoot at (M16 shoots 300 Meters) and a Sniper Rifle shoots (1000 Meters +) A DMR shoots at 600 meters and still has take down power. the only thing is a DM stays with the unit, squad where a sniper goes off alone or with a spotter.
So reading that paragraph you can conclude that we have all been telling anybody that has a semi automatic sniper rifle a DMR even though they are still a sniper. I'm also letting you guys know snipers as of today use Semi Automatic rifles.
Vietnam's Effect on Designated Marksmen
Now for the background on a DM. They started back in Vietnam where to many American troops where getting killed because of snipers at a farther distance then what there weapon could reach (remember most m16s could only shoot about 300 meters and be accurate also they didn't have scopes they only had iron sites.),
So the US military wanted to start putting snipers in every unit and use them to keep the troops covered in case of a sniper, as you can imagine it became to much of a hassle because of all the training differences and them being nothing alike. Then they finally figured it out, put a scope on a rifle that has a longer barrel to give it more range and accuracy. Then Vietnam ended before it could get off on to its feet.
Start of the Gulf War
Again the same thing happened troops were getting killed by snipers just this time the military took action much sooner and started training people to use scopes, The two main rifles were either the M14 with a scope on it (not M21 still an M14 I forgot the main difference between them) and the M16a3 with a mounted scope, and put these troops in the units and squads fixed that distance gap. Plus they got trained the same way as a regular infantry and stuff so it caught on very fast.
Okay, thats the difference, a DMR is only considered a DMR if the player is with the squad at all times playing as an anti sniper and fixing the distance gap, if they go out and move alone then they are considered a Sniper with a sniper rifle. So I think we all need to give an appology to every body we told that had a semi automatic sniper rifle, and said they had a DMR.