Oh nameless man, who fought against tyranny, dressed as Native American, to protest taxes unfairly laid.
Oh nameless man, who was forced to slay his brethren, to fight and die, to make all men free.
Oh nameless man, sent to fight and die in a war to end all wars.
Oh nameless man, to free the ancient slaves, to avenge our fallen on that infamous day.
Oh nameless man, rich mans war -poor mans fight
Oh nameless man, ever changing throughout history, store clerk, teacher, fireman, Oh nameless man, for when shall you be called upon again.
It's times of strife, which shall turn you, oh nameless man, into a hero.
. . . That's right, I am deep. I now challenge everyone here to reach down and do one better. Each line is a reference to a different war, and the last line is an altered roosevelt quote.