I bought this replica probably about 6-7 months ago and since have installed several parts. After the 6-7 months I have had it, I have noticed that it is still extremely solid, and is very durable. It honestly feels a little more solid than the CA model, but that is just my opinion.
Looks: Well it looks like an M14, which is always a classic look in my opinion. It sort of stands out even next to an M4, MP5, etc... If you are in the market for a nice medium - full length rifle, this is a great choice.
Function: There are several really nice things about the M14 design, first off it doesnt have a selector plate like most replica's. Instead it just has a lever that connects to the selector knob and goes around the back of the mechbox to the trigger switch. This makes it very easy to turn it into a semi auto only if you intend on going over 400fps. Second, it is extremely easy to disassemble (until you get to the gearbox). All you really have to do is pull downward on the trigger guard and it slides out allowing the top half of the rifle to come out of the stock. This makes it very nice because once you get use to it, it only takes about 30 minutes to strip down the entire rifle (including gearbox) and put it back together. Which, isnt to bad compared to some replica's. The third thing that I like about it is that it came with a scope mount and a rail on the front for a bipod or whatever else you would want to put on it. Both are extremely solid on the replica as well. Other things that I have noticed is that the selector knob makes a nice click when it goes inbetween semi and full auto. The mag release works perfect with Echo 1 or TM mags.
The stock isnt quite long enough for a 9.6v battery because there is a door that closes on the inside to protect the battery compartment... I just took the door off of that and the 9.6v is flush with the end of the stock, then there is a metal butt plate that pulls down over top of it, which will provide decent protection. It is a little on the heavy side, so go to the gym a bit before purchasing...
Performance: In stock form, it isnt too bad. I would recommend getting a new motor because once you put an M120 or higher on it you will notice a major decrease in ROF. I put a Systema Magnum in mine and on a 9.6v it really sounds like a support gun.
If you do upgrade to a stiffer spring and also get a high torque motor, i would recommend getting a new tappet, air nozzle, cylinder head, metal shims, piston head, piston with metal teeth, and possibly gears if you have the extra money... although mine have held up quite well to the abuse so far. A piston is a must though, the Magnum chewed up the stock one in a few weeks. I also found that an AK barrel fits almost perfect in the replica, so if you plan to get a tightbore with it, get the AK size (455mm) it will end up about 1 cm short of the tip.
My M14 is currently running a stiffer spring with an AK length barrel (chronoed at about 400fps), but the range and accuracy are quite good for having just a standard 6.08mm bore barrel on it. With .25's it can consistently put them in a 8-10 inch pattern from 30 yards. It also seems to have quite good range. Once you get your scope sighted in, this is a great marksman replica.
Overall: If you are a sniper / DMR, this is a great choice. I have little to complain about with this particular replica. I had a 650mm barrel on it originally but decided I actually prefer it without the extra length. It is very manuverable and still retains the accuracy and range a sniper / DMR would be interested in. If left below 400fps and with a Magnum motor installed, it would be an AMAZING spotter weapon, but then the sniper would get mad because the spotter would start getting more kills.
I would have to give it an 8/10. There is always room for improvement, but this replica is a very nice piece for such a low cost. If you are a Sniper / DMR / Spotter, buy it or be shot by it.
I will add some pics later when I get home.