Ok, a little history on Berget,
It a 72 hour MIL-SIM, the storyline is simple the Bad guys have Stolen some Rockets, and will sell them to the Highest bidder or use them against which ever team they think is the strongest, or Friendliest, depending on the Team Commander.
There are the Russians, Mercenaries, and Freedom Fighters that are all trying to get thier hands on the Rockets, using all means, by hook or crook.
Then there are the NATO forces that are trying to regain control of, and secure the Rockets before they can fall into the wrong hands.
From the moment you enter the playing field, you are `` IN PLAY´´ Respawn is a casualty collection point, and that goes for all teams, you shower, eat, sleep do everything as if it is the real deal. at no time except for sleeping in your `` SEALED´´ tent, are you allowed to remove your Glasses.
The ORGAS for Berget have all the vehicle Mock Up´s you can think of, Tank, BMP, FAV´s, BRDM, MLRS, and the Ballistic Missles. ( They really did an excellent Job )
The playing field is broken down into 5 Camps, the only 2 that are known to everybody are the Russian and Nato Bases, so of course the come under harrassing attacks ( about 3 a day ).
So you have the Dealers, the Buyers, the Wanters and the Crooks on the field all after the same thing, depending on Mission, location, and the people that you are operating with you can be in acton the entire 72 hours, or you could be Bored to death ( and that is what happened to almost everybody at the last Berget.
Apon arrival You were greeted by dealers, sellers and representitives from almost every manufacture of AirSoft Products, wanting you to buy this or that, trying to pump you for information about your elements mission so that they could pass it on to opposing forces ( One Rep was caught Red Handed, turned out it was to another Rep from the same company who was in the game, free of charge mind you, and the rest of the Players had to pay close to 200$ for tickets.
Of course this is Cheating, ORGAS were told, and the response was `` DON´T Worry About it, they are a small Team´´ of course this small team was Part of a Larger element, guess that was beside the Point.
So game play is started at 0530 to an absolutly wonderful Artillery Barrage, Blasted Everybody Righ out of thier fart sacks, got the blood flowing, adrenaline was High, Here we Go, GAME ON !!!
Yeah Right, after that suberb First Call, nothing, Patrol were sent out, convoys were escorted, food was eaten, Nothing, not one "Watch your language" thing. Except for the Reps that were roaming around the Camp trying to peddel thier wares. At around 1130, the West side of the Base was Hit, Ok, Now it begins, could be there were some planning problems, no Biggie, AAAATTTTAAAACCCCKKKKK !!!!!
As soon as a little fight developed, the attacker pulled back and we were refused permission from our commander ( ORGAS ) to give chase, Hmmmm he must have a better Plan, lets wait and see. Well Lunch Came and went, Elements inside the Base were starting to revolt, "Watch your language" if the commander isn´t going to lead, then let´s take charge and do it ourselves, we all have the storyline, we all know our jobs, In the Absence of Orders, Take Charge !!!
Well the word got out, and after being approached to ask what the problem was, the answer given was to `` Shut the %$&§ Up, You Should Be Happy That You Are Here !!!´´, excuse me !!
After more than a few choice words and being threatened with being thrown from the game, contact was made with the Head ORGA, a meeting was set up for 1500 hours for all problems to be aired out and solved.
Good, everybody had time to calm down, take a chill pill, and to get thier thoughts in order, The whole time still being pestered by Sales and Company Reps.
1445, Off to the Meeting, got there early so there would be no mix ups or excuses, 1500 came and went, no ORGA, after asking around his location was disclosed, and in complete load out, all Platoon, Company, and Team Leaders went marching into McDonalds ( Now that was Fun
), after a little surprise, and almost choking on his Big Mac, everybody marched back to OPS an aired out their Problems, Now the Orga listened and gave very good answers and responses to most of the Problems, and to the Problems where he had no answer he swore he would look into it.
So everybody has a warm fuzzy and is getting ready to rescue the rest of the Event, TANGO CHARLIE ? 1900hrs, time to choke down an MRE and prepare for Battle !!!, at 1930 base was hit again from the same people and in the exact same location, and again they used the same tactic, again the same request was made, and again it was denied.
Then it hit us, Sales Reps are in the Base, but just before the base gets hit, they dissapear.
AAHHHH, being the smart Nato troops, from that moment on all Reps, just like the Press had thier Base Privliges revoked, WRONG, after being told that they cannot be banned from any area of the Playing field, they are free to come an go as they please the hidden agenda was obvious, and the question was asked, `` How much of thier stuff do we have to buy, in order to get this Dog and Pony Show on the Road ??
Of course no direct answer was given, but the answer was, `` That, you have to find out for yourselves.´´
Needless to say Nobody bought a darn thing, and things got way out of control, Little mini Battles with Glass and Alu BB´s, shooting any "Watch your language" thing that moved, Tuning weapons way beyond the limit of the rules, the Highlight of the whole event was the 50 year old player that was taking a shower on the second day when the Base got hit, for the third time, from the same location, and from the same people, He came runnig out of the Shower Tent, soap in his Hair, wearing nothing but his flip flops, Glasses,and his war face, this wacky old dude, running like his tail is on fire, yelling at the top of his lungs, with the big dummie just flapping in the breeze, the defense was laughing so hard, the Nude guy was the only one shooting, he repelled the attack all by himself ( He would get a Pass in my Book if I was on the other side ).
Well to make a long story short, come to find out, it was the same for all elements on the field, and almost everybody to the last man or woman left with a really sour taste in thier mouths, most swore never to do another BERGET ever, even if they got their act back together.
The Reps just kept harping to use only thier products, they would sponser the team if you sewed thier patches onto your Uniform, like who in thier right minds is going to sew a 15 inch x 9 inch Red and Yellow panel patch onto the Back of thier Uniform, from BOB´s AirSoft ( made up Name, to avoid legal Problems ). The were offering low money contracts for larger teams, if they played somany events a year, and carried thier Logo.
So in Conclusion, it is only a matter of time, and it is such a shame that they managed to take such a superb event, and destroy it in a single stroke.
The Costs of this event for me come to roughly 1200$, including Travel, Hotel, and Preperation, and that is about the average for most Players living here in Europe, But think of this, There were players from America, Russia, Tukey and a hand full from Japan, how much do you think this wasted event cost them.
Going to miss doing a Motorized RB-15 Attack a 0400 in the morning on a beatuiful summer morning, even if the water is just a few degrees above freezing.