Both Slob and Kkoerber are correct, however I've over-charged my battery several times and some of the still work. Yes, the battery will eventually die and no longer hold a charge, but that could be a week, it could be two years. Ive gone through SO many batteries, for me its always different. One small tyoe 8.4v battery I left in for over four hours PAST trhe charge limit MULTIPULE times, and it still works. HOWEVER, it makes any gun I put into it nutty and makes semi-auto full auto, dies then suddenly works, and so-forth. Another Large-type 8. battery, I accidently left charging for four days, and anpther time, not even a week later, three days. And It doesnt hold charge quite as long, but still maintains a great RPM and works just fine. So it really depends IMO. Oh and BTW: To my knowledge; no, the over-charged battery can't hurt the gun.