Be very careful when shipping replica firearms/ordinance/props...
I shipped a Cyma Glock 18, almost completely disassembled, and few days later I got an email from FEDEX saying my package was intercepted by law enforcement...I was given a warning, but It could have gone worse. I thought taking the thing apart would be enough and didnt put an orange marker on the barrel (the darn thing didnt come with one in the first place!).
As for payment through paypal, I'm quite sure you can link your account to a Visa "gift card"...but I'm not 100% sure. If someone can find that out, it would help me out too...thats the only thing stopping me from using PP...I'm not going to give out my credit/debit info...I'm sure PP is secure, but they have yet to proved that to me.
I've had good luck with M/O's for the most part...until recently...
If you do use that method for payment, be sure you know the recieving party and have a safe method for shipping the replica.
I'll keep watching this thread, it seems like it would be useful information.
Sticky worthy???