Hello all:
We (as in me & the crew) are trying to revive an old paintball play area.
It's great. I heave... heard, that someone MAY have scouted out the facility.
It's called "Factory Paintball Arena"
2400 Commonwealth Avenue
North Chicago, IL 60064
(847) 473-2400
http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=great+lakes,+il+paintball&fb=1&gl=us&hq=paintball&hnear=Great+Lakes,+North+Chicago,+IL&ei=HpncTPavFY2knAesmIgX&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CAYQtgMwAA&iwloc=12337136740434880096I have been there (also drive part it twice a day to & from work), and it's obvious that it's been boarded & closed up for quite a while.
It's perfect
I checked online, and all I could find on this place was a brief review - from someone named "Douglas Y" on Sept of '04...
I called the number associated with the business - but all I ever got was the opportunity to leave numerous messages expressing our interest in the facility, no response as of yet.
It's an old warehouse, divided up into different sections. 2 story in portions, adjoining buildings that MAY possibly be used. Perfect as I said. Heh.
Were trying to go about it the legal way because after all, it IS in North Chicago which is not the nicest, and it's not our property obviously.
And if cops see lots of cars parked outside, or HEAR lots of guys running around in the shadows with guns... well the outcome would more than likely be bad for us.
Real guns/Real Cops vs us guys with airsoft guns playing in an abandoned warehouse looking like a bunch of illegal activity is a good way to get shot - for real ;/
I'd love to get this thing off the ground and am going to try to leverage the military to endorse this place as an off duty place to play, & also as a place to train.
Hard to get them to part with money though. Heh.
Let me know if you would like to take part in this, or have any useful info - it would be greatly appreciated.
I'll keep you posted.