If you have read my post in the off topic section, you should know that I am going into the Marine Corp, and starting off in the Delayed Entry Program.
So with that little bit of information, I am going to make this simple. I don't want to do any elaborate kits or anything just something simple to let me play airsoft, get a feel for what I am going to be doing, for maybe the rest of my life and stuff. That is why this is going to be simple, and very noobish, considering my money has to go towards other things at the moment.
First Line
Asian Tiger Stripe uniform
Tiger Stripe Boonie
Carrhart Utility Gloves
Black Jungle Boots
Goggles (loaner pair ATM)
Second Line (all OD unless other wise stated)
OTV IBA whatever I have (will somebody clarify for me pics are in the cummerbund thread)
Pistol Belt
Utility pouch
Double M16 pouch
Single M16 pouch
Utility pouch
Hydration pack
Dump pouch
Voodoo Pistol holster
TSD Spring M14
KWC Sig Pro (Co2)
Like I said, I just want bare minimal for this kit. The TSD is cheap, and reliable, plus it won't make me expect what shooting an assault rifle is for when I go to basic thus making it easier to learn and not have to relearn and beat old habits.
KWC is well simple, it's a back up, thing isn't scary, but a 16 round mag, and hitting at roughly 300fps is more then enough to keep me going.