Most brands of Goggles will work with your Prescription Glasses, as long as your lenses are not overly Huge.
Playing with just your Glasses is incredibly dangerous, even if you have Plastic lenses, a 0,5er will splitter the lenses sending plastic or glass splitters into your eye, it´s just not worth it.
You can play AS now, but if something should go wrong, you can´t play when you are blind !
The goggles that WW suggested will work, and they don´t cost the world, I also where glasses and after trying all kinds of different things trying to find a good solution, the best that I can offer is, Invest now in the Goggles, save your cash then Invest in a set of Willey Prescription Ballistic Goggles or Glasses. ( They cost a bit, but better than loosing an Eye )
P.S. The glasses don´t Fog !!!