I like the AK alot. I was really surprised by it because i only payed 90 bucks. The only complaints I have are the stock, which OCCASSIONALY comes loose and requires some time to fix. also the front sight seems a bit loose but thats not much of a problem. Other than that it's a pretty good gun. its accuracy is pretty decent, i've made some good hits with it. a good majority of it is metal. It came with a 600 round magazine that i love (includes a quick wind tool), also an 8.4v battery, a sling although its much too small, front sight adjuster, and cleaning rod. i haven't been able to test the muzzle velocity but i'd say around 370-390fps. the folding stock is a nice feature too, of course for a more compact and versatile weapon. i like it alot and with some mods i bet this gun could be a real beast.