Heres some events from yesterday, I am going to post the after action report here in a minute in the general section so if you want to read about it go there. Heres some pics though. The teams were split up by camo patterns. ACU and tan/desert were the Wyoming defense forces, and the woodland camos were Canadian forces.
[Update] I'm not sure now there might be some action pics, it's only 12 here and theres a whole bunch more pics that got uploaded so I might be able to get some action pics if any were taken.
Last pic of the players (there was about 6 more but they left earlier.) I'm the second to last on the left on my knee.
Chrono tests (my pistol shoots 280, and the AK shot at 320 I could use both inside for cqb)
Random break before the game ended (I'm in the back of the jeep thing)
Updated photos
these were some of the photos of the lower compound the the CLF had a "Watch your language" of a time getting into.
Front Gate
That tower was a pain
People at the start
Here is the CATS team (anybody in tiger stripes I am behind the front dude with the light colored Boonie)
Chrono tests
Another tower
Some guy
Middle building I got stuck in (That kid was up from Colorado I don't know him)
It was pretty cool, I couldn't get any combat pics but there was usually a fire fight were we needed every body that could go in and fight.