Here are some things to think about before you get to carried away with setting up a Team,
In the beginning don´t go getting wrapped up with seting Positions or assigning Jobs or Tasks, you´ll find that over time, some of your Players will quit for what ever reason, Personality conflicts, they excpected something different, Mom/Wife won´t let them Play. If you set your positions to early theses losses are hard to make up later.
STAT was using a militayr saying K.I.S.S., is the best way to start all your planning, makes it easier for all involved to remember what they are trying to achieve. ( If he is an Old Man, then I am ancient !! )
Build Buddy teams to start with, get people working in pairs, then later in sections, then later as a full squad or team.
Take your best Player, send him down range, then send out buddy teams to track him down, if one gets hit, they are both out.
If they spot him first, they win,
Starts to build Pride and Teamwork
Keep your training scenarios real simple and easy, do fun games to start with, Capture the Flag, V.I.P. Escort, these develope Teamwork real Fast, later you can throw them curves, do the SPY scenario, trains people to watch the entire Playing field, not just whats in front of them.
Later when everybody is working together, then you can start to make things real hard and complicated.
The biggest thing to remember, after your Training/Practice days, before anybody leaves the field, do an AAR, After Action Review, talk about the things that went good, things that went Bad, but always end the Day on a good note, don´t ever let them leave with a sour taste in thier mouths, or bad Ideas in thier heads.